Е твининг проект 2019-20 – “Нашиот доручек” Оснивачи – Виолета Панев (МКД) и Гевер Угурлу (Турција)

Проектот насловен како “This is the way we have breakfast” има за цел да ги поттикне младите учесници преку различни интерактивни и проектни активности да дознаат за здравата храна и неопходноста од здрав доручек. “Ние сме тоа што го јадеме” е еден од идеите водилки и за таа цел учениците ќе пишуваат и ќе подготвуваат храна од своето поднебје со својата специфичност со фокус на хранливите состојки  на оброците од разни поднебја, земјите учесници кои се вклучени во проектот: Турција,  Македонија и партнерите од Полска, Ерменија, Грција, Франција и  Украина. Истовремено учениците ги практикуваат своите јазични и дигитални вештини во креирање на постери, мисловни мапи, логоа, огласни табли, рецепти како и продуктите на  електронски книги, резултати од истражување и квизови за нивото на нивното учење на оваа тема.


Nothing is more precious than health. By this project our aim is to teach students the importance of health and help them to develop a healthy life style. We aim to raise students awareness of healthy food, pyhsical exercise, personal hygiene and healthy eating habits. We also aim to take action against obesity by showing harms of leading an unhealthy life style .

-to raise awareness of healthy food, personal hygiene and physical exercise.
-to develop healthy eating habits
-to learn about illnesses caused by unhealthy food and unhealthy life style
-to help students lead a healthy life style by eating healthy and doing sports
-to develop students and teachers ICT and langugae skills
– to develop students imagination and creativity
-to meet new counrty and cultures





The project will start in September 2019 and end in May 2020. Each month we will do enjoyable and instructive activities related to the stated topic. September: Introducing ourselves , sts, school, country, citY, Pre-survey, e-cornerOctober: Logo contest, Research : What is health ?November: Healthy food x Unhealthy food, Expressing likes , dislikes, life styles, eating habits , Survey
December: Learning food pyramis and food groups, Seasons and food , Preparing healhty snacks
January: Preparing Christmas cards, recipes for Christmas, Healthy diet samples
February: Harms of unhealthy eating habits and life style, Illnesses caused by unhealthy eating habits and life style, Obesity, Inviting a dietician or a doctor to our school or making a report
March: Healthy eating day at school , benefits of doing sports, Going to bazaar
April: Writing stories or comics together, traiditional meals and recipes May: e-magazine, e-cookbook, exhibition, evaluation, dissemination



Students will be taught about importance of healthy eating habits, personal hygiene and physical exercise.Students will meet new country and cultures and learn about their eating habits.Students will be taught about harms caused by unhealthy eating habits and life styles. Students and teachers will improve their ICT and language skills. At the end of the project, we will bring our works together and form an e-magazine and e-cookbook.